
Vitamin K? Oxide

This product is 2,3 epoxy -2 methyl -3-(3,7,11,15-tetramethyl -2-hexadecenyl)-1,4 naphthalene. It is derivative of vitamin k1.

【CAS No.】25486-55-9


【Characteristics】 This product is pale yellow to golden Transparent oily liquid, odorless or almost odorless; Easily Decomposed under the light; Easily soluble in chloroform, Ether or vegetable oil; Slightly soluble in ethanol; Insoluble in water.

【Molecular formula】 C31H46O3

【Molecular weight】 466.704

【Structure formula】

【Reference standard】Enterprise

【Storage】 Room temperature, light resistance and in closed container.

Shandong Guangtongbao Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
No.3107 Dongjing Road, Economy Development District, Qingzhou City,262500,Shandong,China
Tel:0086 536 3223585
Fax:0086 536 3235805

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