
Sodium Magnesium Chlorophyllin

This product is a natural chlorophyll derivative which extracted from natural plants and refined.

【Color Index】E 140

【CAS No.】11006-34-1

【Characteristics】This product is yellow green powder, easily soluble in water, slight soluble in alcohol and chloroform, water solution is transparent and have no sediment.

【Molecular formula and molecular weight】

Molecular formula     Molecular weight

Disodium magnesium chlorophyllin    C34H30O6N4MgNa2       660.92

Trisodium magnesium chlorophyllin    C34H29O6N4MgNa3       682.901

【Structure formula】

【Reference standard】Enterprise standard

【Storage】Store in cool and dry place, light resistance, in closed container.

Shandong Guangtongbao Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
No.3107 Dongjing Road, Economy Development District, Qingzhou City,262500,Shandong,China
Tel:0086 536 3223585
Fax:0086 536 3235805

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